1. High Density LIU with Cassette based Solution Sliding Rail design for easy and smooth operation.
  2. Offering flexibility to switch out Front Plates  with LC ,SC and MPO Adapter options.
  3. LC Maximum Capacity 12o cores . SC Maximum Capacity 60 Cores .
  4. MPO 40G/100G Ports Maximum Capacity 60.
  5. Easy to use ,Quick to Install ,No Field Splicing etc..
  6. Re-Usability and Quick Re-Configuration.
  7. Less Opex and Easy Maintenance.


  • Rack to Rack to Connectivity
  • 40G/100G Extensions.
  •  40G/100G – MPO/MTP to 1)g/25 G Breakout Applications.
  • SM VADD LIU -Sliding Casette Based
  • http://www.smvadd.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/SM-VADD-LIU-Sliding-Casette-Based.pdf